Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wendy Williams Dancing WIth the Stars

There have been several foot injuries that have occurred on Dancing With the Stars. The latest is with Wendy Williams. She had tweeted how painful her bunions have been.  She even had a picture of them which I will include in here.  Bunions can be very difficult to have when dancing and having to wear the special dance shoes if they are very narrow in the front part of the shoe. It can create a bursitis along the 'bump' on the inside of the foot. The bump may get red, hot, and swollen, and be very painful. One can also develop blisters to this area.

When experiencing bunion pain it is best to see a Podiatrist for evaluation. Early conservative intervention includes, pads, orthotics, cortisone injections, and wider toe box shoes to alleviate the pain. If this does not help, then surgery is an option.

Please visit our webpage for more information.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Health Fair at Hershey's Mill in West Chester, PA

Podiatry Care Specialists in West Chester, PA and Newtown Square PA, were happy to join the 1st Annual Health Fair at Hershey's Mill. The Senior Helpers of Chester County ran this spectacular event. Dr Theodore Mushlin, Dr Alexandra Grulke, and Fay Mushlin, Practice Administrator, attended the event to help spread the word about Podiatric foot care. In addition, Mark Fallecker from Aetrex Shoes, brought in the iStep Scanner (Please see previous blog on this) to scan the feet of the residents at Hershey's Mill. Some other attendees at this event were Genuardi's, (located on Boot Road in West Chester, PA), offering flu shots and giving out food, and Bayada nurses checking blood pressure and talking to the residents. It was a wonderful opportunity for the residents and very well attended.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pregnant Women and Flip Flops

I recently saw an article published by the NY Daily Times on pregnant women and their shoe gear. I will include the original link at the end of this blog.

The British Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists performed a study on 1,000 pregnant women and found  many women wear fashionable shoes while being pregnant. 7/10 women had swollen ankles, feet, heel, and arch pain during their pregnancy. 66% wore flip-flops regularly,  32% high heels, 30% Uggs, and 53% ballet pumps.

What I didnt see listed in the study is when along their pregnancy they wore the above. When the feet swell it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable pair of sneakers/shoes. Typically the further along pregnancy we may recommend Crocs. It is not a good idea to wear high heels. pumps, and Uggs. These shoes do not have the proper support for the foot as well as the shock absorption. The high heels can also aggravate your back and other joints. Its always a  good idea to wear comfortable and supportive shoes to prevent any foot pain especially while being pregnant.

For more information please visit our website.

Here is a link to the original article:

Monday, February 22, 2010

What Causes Bunions?

One of the common things people will think cause bunions are shoes. Shoes do not cause bunions. They simply tend to aggravate a bunion. Bunions occur due to ones foot type and abnormal forces on the foot. Certain muscles then can tend to overcompensate other muscles and lead to a bunion to form. The bunion is an enlargement at the big toe joint on the side. If the bump tends to be on the top, this is an arthritis type condition known as hallux limitus or rigidus. Women tend to develop more bunions then men and some studies show that its 10 times more frequently in women then men. 
Redness and swelling of the soft tissues at the bunion site can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. A change in shoe gear to a wider toe box, along with ice, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Tylenol can alleviate the bunion.  Orthotics and good shoe gear can help slow the progression of the bunion deformity. If conservative treatment fails the next option may be surgery. For more information please visit our website or call for an appointment

Monday, January 18, 2010

Barefoot Running

We briefly mentioned last week about the potential hazards and dangers of barefoot running. I thought that I would just add a few more interesting things about it. A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness said that barefoot runners had less impact than runners in shoes. On the flip side to this, there has been no documented studies that show running with sneakers can cause foot problems or lead you to an injury. But if you can think about some of the stuff that I had posted last wee I will not recommmend doing it.  This is because it can lead to stepping on something, lacerations, increase in pain, and blisters just to mention a few.

Happy Running/Walking, but of course with sneakers on :)
Chad J. Friedman, DPM

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Podiatry Care Specialists, would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New year!